Series2 retail
Building on best-in-class ergonomics, Series 2 introduces additional performance features and fresh new style choices for personalisation, expanding one of our most popular office chair collections.
Style Steelcase Series 2 with standard or quilted upholstery. Celebrate the attractive geometric back design without upholstery or warm it up with 3D Microknit. Steelcase Series 2 is available as a standard-height task chair or as a higher stool. An optional head rest or coat hanger adds additional comfort and convenience.
頂尖的人體工學科技、搭配升級版的卓越性能,全新風格的Series 2 由此誕生,支持各種個性化訂製,Steelcase人體工學椅系列再添生力軍。
造型多變 – Series 2 前所未有的繽紛選項、幾何形椅背設計結構靚麗、可外加3D微型網布或泡棉椅背,增添溫暖外觀與觸感,也可選擇頭枕或衣架等配備,讓坐感更加舒適。
性能卓越 – Steelcase特有的AirLiveBack®技術,透過創新幾何力學結構,為使用者提供精巧支撐力。特殊的波紋幾何形可多項延展,無論如何移動,都能為您每一寸脊椎提供恰到好處的支撐。 可調節腰靠、自載重張力、4項可調整扶手,與椅座深度調整是人體工學椅的標配。
2020 重磅新品 – Steelcase Series 2
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