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Monday to Friday: 9-20
Saturday to Sunday: closed

Series 1


Steelcase Series 1 delivers on what’s important –  performance, style and choice. It retains everything that’s valued in a chair, while making it attainable for everyone.

Series 1 was thoughtfully designed with the performance you’ve come to expect from Steelcase. With integrated LiveBack technology, adaptive bolstering and 4D adjustable arms, Series 1 delivers dynamic performance without sacrificing attainability.


Series 1 : the Best Office Chair 2020 by CNN undercored

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Steelcase Series™ 1 擁有出色人體工學椅的每個重要特質

豐富選擇 –  Series 1 的微型網布、椅殼、與腰靠有11種顏色、可自由搭配創造自我風格

完美承托 – Steelcase特有的 LiveBack® 技術,可完美承托使用者背部,人體工學椅必要的調整性如椅座深度和四向可調整扶手,一樣不缺

適合各種空間使用 Series 1 體型輕巧、造型圓潤俐落,無論是辦公區、抑或會議或協作空間、個人工作室使用,皆能完美搭配


延伸閱讀:再創經典的Series 1人體工學椅

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