Node 座椅具有高度可移動性,讓學員可以自由轉換對課程內容的關注點,寫字板大小有充足空間容納筆電或是筆記本, 隨身攜帶的用具可以跟著移動,也可以選擇平板配件與杯架,讓上課不為小事困擾,能夠更加專心。
Node 座椅配合寫字桌,很適合在醫療場域中,讓醫療人員跟病人在展間中順利互動。可以一邊查看螢幕上的資料,比對文件,一邊自由移動檢查病人的狀況,不用離開原本的辦公桌。
Node chair is part of the Steelcase educational solutions. It’s mobile and flexible since it’s designed for quick, easy transitions from one teaching mode to the next, unlike traditional school desks and chairs. The swivel seat and worksurface give students the freedom to shift focus throughout the room. The base of the Node chair provides a unique storage solution for backpacks and belongings. Ergonomics of the seat bend and flex with the student’s body. Node chair can take passive space and make it active, supporting active and team-based learning.