Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco ommodo consequat.

Monday to Friday: 9-20
Saturday to Sunday: closed


Today’s office chairs demand more than functionality. Relaxed, residential-feel spaces create work environments where workers express themselves and thrive.Lives Chairs bring a casual look to the office and are equipped with the state of the art features that employees have come to expect.
Okamura Lives Work Chair 是日本品牌辦公椅的一力作,有著優美線條設計,外觀更加精緻柔和,椅墊柔軟並有支撐性,可選擇高低背的款式,並有辦公椅與單人沙發的不同款式,並獲得紅點設計獎的肯定。

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Okamura Lives

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