Flex Collection
Flex快速移動的特性,讓您可以靈活辦公,特殊設計的滑輪,穩如泰山與便于移動兼而得之。 在安靜的角落專注辦公,或是與同事進行頭腦風暴,操之在我。
Flex Collection 多款家具可以互相搭配,各自單獨使用或是組合搭配,皆可滿足您對敏捷辦公空間的期待。

Designed to move as quickly as you do. It’s stable, yet mobile. Push them together for collaborative work, or move it to a quiet nook for focus time.
Designed for mobility and function, Flex Height-Adjustable Desk comes with integrated rollers that allow for movement, one-cord-out integrated power that hosts up to seven plugs, and user adjustable curved screens that can be configured by anyone for both privacy and modesty.